[Sorun]Autorank rutbe atladıkca para vesayre gitmiyor??


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Autorank plugini kullanıyorum ve rutbe atlarken para vesayre gitmiyo bunu aktif mi etmedim yoksa plugin öylemi bana bi cevap yazarsanız sevinirim....


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# #
# Autorank Settings #
# #
# This config is used to configure Autorank. The other configs provide #
# a way to configure the rank system. This config is for configuring the #
# the options Autorank has to offer you #
# #

use advanced config: true
# If this is false, the SimpleConfig will be used for ranking.

afk integration: true
# If a compatible AFK plugin is found Autorank will not count online time for AFK players
# This option is always on when using the SimpleConfig
# Currently supports: Essentials, RoyalCommands and UltimateCore
# Autorank automatically chooses what plugin to use for AFK integration.

use partial completion: true
# When this is true, players can use /ar complete # to complete a requirement at any moment they like.
# When this is false, players will only be able to /ar check and check for all requirements at one time. They would need to have all requirements at that moment.

interval check: 5
# This is the interval between checks of Autorank (in minutes).
# Lowering this number will increase accuracy but will also increase server lag.

use time of: Autorank
# You can specify what time plugin Autorank will use to calculate the time that a player has played.
# This only changes the local time.
# A list to choose from:
# 1. Autorank
# 2. Stats
# 3. OnTime
# If no valid time plugin was found, it defaults to Autorank

leaderboard layout: '&6&r | &b&p - &7&d %day%, &h %hour% and &m %minute%.'
leaderboard length: 5
# changes the appearance of the /ar leaderboard command
# &r : Ranking in the leaderboard
# &p : Player name
# &m : Minutes (with full days and full hours not counted)
# &h : Hours (with full days not counted)
# &d : Days
# &tm : Total amount of minutes
# &th : Total amount of hours

check command layout: '&c&p &7adli oyuncu &c&time &7oyunda ve &c&groups &7rutbesinde. Rutbe atlamasi icin: &reqs'
# Changes the layout of the /ar check command.
# &p : Player name
# &time : time in hours, minutes and seconds
# &groups : Groups the player is in. Most of the time this is only one group.
# &reqs : a list of all requirements

enabled: false
hostname: localhost:3306
username: root
password: ''
database: minecraft
table: autorank
# All these options are for configuring your MySQL database with Autorank.
# Hostname has to include a port, but doesn't have to be port 3306.

check-for-new-versions: true
# When check-for-new-versions is true, Autorank will tell you when a new version is available.

auto-download: false
# When auto-download is true, Autorank will automatically download the most recent version

advanced dependency output: false
# If this is true, Autorank will tell you in the console what dependencies were found and which ones weren't found.
# Turn this off to remove the console spam from Autorank about dependencies.
# This feature can be useful when Autorank can't find your dependency, but you have it installed.

show help command based on permission: false
# If this is true, the /ar help command will only show the available commands for a certain player.
# If a player doesn't have the permission to perform the command, it will not show that command on the help page.

use debug: false
# Only set this to true when you want to debug Autorank
# When this is true, Autorank will spit out debug messages

allow infinite ranking: false
# When this is false, players will only be able to rank up a certain rank once.
# When a player ranks up, and gets deranked manually by a staff member, he will be stuck on that rankYok (Kalıcı Yasaklanma), as he has already completed that rank before.
# Set this to true when you're having problems with players not ranking up.

show warnings: true
# Whether Autorank has to show critical warnings.
# Leave this set to true. You can only change it to false when Autorank is giving you false warnings.

use primary group for vault: true
# Most permission plugins will only work properly with Autorank if you let it only get the primary group.
# Some need to get all the groups however. You probably only need to change this when a dev tells you to.

broadcast resetting of data files: true
# Autorank keeps track of amount of time played per day, week and month.
# When a new day, week or month starts, Autorank will reset the times of all players (except the total time, this is always preserved).
# If this value is set to true, Autorank will broadcast to all players when their data gets reset.

allow deranking: false
# Sometimes you want a player to derank when certain requirements are not met.
# When this is set to true, a player that does not have the requirements that have a derankable flag, will be deranked to their previous rank.
# You will also have to specify which requirements are 'derankable'.
# When you set this to true, make sure to also set 'allow infinite ranking' to true.
# For more info, see this wiki article: https://github.com/Armarr/Autorank-...erankable-requirements-you-are-talking-about?
