Skript İstek Acil!


Taş Madencisi
En iyi cevaplar
Merhaba direk konya gircem. cok acil lutfen. Starter kite benzer bir skript istiyorum. /kitkaydet yazınca envanteriimizde olan itemler kaydedilecek ve kit haline gelecek fakat insanlar her doğduğunda ona o kiti verecek. simdi den tesekurler :)


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
command /kitkaydet:
    permission: op
        set {starterKit::inventory} to player's serialized inventory
        send "&aKit başarıyla kaydedildi!"

on respawn:
    clear player's inventory
    restore inventory of player from variable {starterKit::inventory}
Bunu deneyin.


En iyi cevaplar
Boş konuşmayın da arkadaşa yardım edin değil mi?

Dipnot: Skriptin yapımcısı ben değilim. Tanımadığım biri yapmış, tanıdığım biri de düzenlemiş.

" Gelelim bunu nasıl kullanacaksın, değil mi? "

Öncelikle kit ayarlama tabelalarının olacağı bir bölge hazırla. Aynı warp hazırlarmış gibi. Daha sonra oraya şunu yaz: " /starterkitbolge ayarla "

Sonra orada 3 tabela yerleştir.

Kit Ayarlamak İçin Tabela Şu Şekilde Olacak: Tabelanın ilk satırına KİT yaz daha sonra 3. satırına &8[&eAyarla&8] yaz.

Her tabelada ilk satıra KİT yaz daha sonra kit sıfırlamak için 3. satıra şunu yaz: &8[&eSıfırla&8]

Son olarak yine ilk satıra KİT yaz ve kit almak için 3. satıra şunu yaz: &8[&eAl&8]

Spawna geri dönmek için 3. satıra &4&lSpawna, 4. satırına ise &c&lGeri Don bunu yaz.

Mesajlarda ki ön eki değiştirmek için options kısmında ki prefix kısmında ki KITSAVE yazısını istediğin gibi değiştir.

    prefix: &b&oKITSAVE &8&l→
    noperm: &cUzgunum, Yetkiniz yok!
# Kit Ayarlama Yeri Ayarlari Ayarlamalari Yukaridan ve Bu Kisimdan Yapabilirsin Diger Yerlere Bilgin Yoksa Dokunmani Onermem.
    jointogive: false
    deathtogive: false
    sword.slot: 0
    fns.slot: 1
    fishingrod.slot: 2
    bow.slot: 3
    helmet.mat: chain
    chestplate.mat: iron
    leggings.mat: iron
    boots.mat: iron
    sword.mat: iron &7Murderer Weapon
    sword.lorename: &6You may kill someone with IsmetRG's Block-hit power! &cBu&6rn&eer
    fns.lorename: &6Please don't burn yourself &9Enemy Pusher
    fishingrod.lorename: &6Try to push yourself &4AWP | Dragon Lore
    bow.lorename: &6360 no scope
    arrow.number: 15 16
    arrow.slot: 8 &2Green Arrow
    arrow.lorename: &6Hacker destroyer

on rightclick on sign:
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&8[&eAyarla&8]":
        make player execute command "/starterkit save"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&8[&eSıfırla&8]":
        make player execute command "/starterkit unsave"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&8[&eAl&8]":
        execute console command "/strtdsjfsdfs %player%"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&eKit Ayarlama":
        line 4 of the clicked block is "&eYerine Git":
            make player execute command "/starterkit saveplace"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&4&lSpawna":
        line 4 of the clicked block is "&c&lGeri Don":
            send "{@prefix} &aSpawna Geri Dondun!"
            set {save.available.%player%} to false
            clear player's inventory
            make player execute command "/spawn"

command /starterkit [<text>] [<player>]:
        if arg 1 is not "load" or "save" or "unsave" or "unsaveall" or "saveplace":
            send "{@prefix} &cYou did something wrong&8."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@prefix} &6Starterkit Commands"
            if player has the permission "starterkit.give":
                send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit load &8(&7<player>&8)"
                send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit unsaveall"
            send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit save"
            send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit unsave"
            send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit saveplace"
        if arg 1 is "load":
            if player has the permission "starterkit.give":
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    if {kitinv.saved.%player%} is not set:
                        clear the player's inventory
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        set slot {@sword.slot} of player to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fns.slot} of player to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of player to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
                        set slot {@bow.slot} of player to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
                        set slot {@arrow.slot} of player to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
                        equip player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip player with {@boots.mat} boots
                    else if {kitinv.saved.%player%} is set:
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        clear the player's inventory
                        equip player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip player with {@boots.mat} boots
                        set {_slot} to 0
                        loop 36 times:
                            set slot {_slot} of player to {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%player%}
                            add 1 to {_slot}
                        set slot 0 of player to {kitinv.slotzero.%player%}
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if {kitinv.saved.%arg 2%} is not set:
                        clear the arg 2's inventory
                        message "{@prefix} &2%arg 2%'s starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 2
                        set slot {@sword.slot} of arg 2 to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fns.slot} of arg 2 to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of arg 2 to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
                        set slot {@bow.slot} of arg 2 to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
                        set slot {@arrow.slot} of arg 2 to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
                        equip arg 2 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip arg 2 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip arg 2 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip arg 2 with {@boots.mat} boots
                    else if {kitinv.saved.%arg 2%} is true:
                        message "{@prefix} &2%arg 2%'s starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 2
                        clear the arg 2's inventory
                        equip arg 2 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip arg 2 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip arg 2 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip arg 2 with {@boots.mat} boots
                        set {_slot} to 0
                        loop 36 times:
                            set slot {_slot} of arg 2 to {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%arg 2%}
                            add 1 to {_slot}
                        set slot 0 of arg 2 to {kitinv.slotzero.%arg 2%}
                send "{@prefix} {@noperm}"
        if arg 1 is "saveplace":
            teleport player to {warp.saveplace}
            send "{@prefix} &2You are teleported to starterkit saveplace!"
            set {save.available.%player%} to true
            clear the player's inventory
        if arg 1 is "save":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                if {save.available.%player%} is true:
                    if player has 1 {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}":
                        if player has 1 flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}":
                            if player has 1 bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}":
                                if player has {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}":
                                    set {_kitinvslot} to 0
                                    loop 36 times:
                                        set {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%player%} to slot {_slot} of player
                                        add 1 to {_slot}
                                    set {kitinv.saved.%player%} to true
                                    set {kitinv.slotzero.%player%} to slot 0 of player
                                    wait 5 ticks
                                    send "{@prefix} &cLoading..."
                                    wait 10 ticks
                                    send "{@prefix} &eKitini Basariyla Kaydettin!"
                                    send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                                send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                            send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                        send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                    send "{@prefix} &cKit Ayarlamak Icin Kit Ayarla Bolgesine Gitmelisin!"
        if arg 1 is "unsave":
            delete {kitinv.saved.%player%}
            wait 5 ticks
            send "{@prefix} &cLoading..."
            wait 10 ticks
            clear the player's inventory
            set slot {@sword.slot} of player to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
            set slot {@fns.slot} of player to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
            set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of player to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
            set slot {@bow.slot} of player to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
            set slot {@arrow.slot} of player to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
            equip player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
            equip player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
            equip player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
            equip player with {@boots.mat} boots
            send "{@prefix} &eYou've successfully unsaved your inventory!"
        if arg 1 is "unsaveall":
            if player has the permission "strtrkt.give":
                loop all players: 
                    delete {kitinv.saved.%loop-player%}
                wait 5 ticks
                send "{@prefix} &cLoading..."
                wait 10 ticks
                loop all players:
                    clear the loop-player's inventory
                    set slot {@sword.slot} of loop-player to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
                    set slot {@fns.slot} of loop-player to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
                    set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of loop-player to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
                    set slot {@bow.slot} of loop-player to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
                    set slot {@arrow.slot} of loop-player to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
                    equip loop-player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                    equip loop-player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                    equip loop-player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                    equip loop-player with {@boots.mat} boots
                send "{@prefix} &eYou've successfully unsaved your inventory!"
                send "{@prefix} {@noperm}"

command /strtdsjfsdfs [<player>]:
    permission: console.anan
    executable by: console
        if {kitinv.saved.%arg 1%} is not set:
            clear the arg 1's inventory
            message "{@prefix} &2%arg 1%'s starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
            message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 1
            set slot {@sword.slot} of arg 1 to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
            set slot {@fns.slot} of arg 1 to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
            set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of arg 1 to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
            set slot {@bow.slot} of arg 1 to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
            set slot {@arrow.slot} of arg 1 to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
            equip arg 1 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
            equip arg 1 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
            equip arg 1 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
            equip arg 1 with {@boots.mat} boots
        else if {kitinv.saved.%arg 1%} is true:
            message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 1
            clear the arg 1's inventory
            equip arg 1 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
            equip arg 1 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
            equip arg 1 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
            equip arg 1 with {@boots.mat} boots
            set {_slot} to 0
            loop 36 times:
                set slot {_slot} of arg 1 to {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%arg 1%}
                add 1 to {_slot}
            set slot 0 of arg 1 to {kitinv.slotzero.%arg 1%}

command /starterkitbolge [<text>]:
    permission: starterkit.admin
    permission message: &cUzgunum, Yetkiniz yok!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "Komut Kullanimi: /starterkitbolge"
        if arg 1 is "ayarla":
            if player have the permission "starterkit.admin":
                set {warp.saveplace} to location of player
                send "{@prefix} &aBasariyla alani sectin!"

Umarım yapan bir kişi çıkar.
Yapan çıkmış, paylaştım. İşinize gördüyse ne mutlu bana. Tekrar belirtiyorum yapımcısı ben değilim.

Ucretsiz yapılcağını düşünmüyorum.
Ne güzel ki ücretsiz yapmışlar :)


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Boş konuşmayın da arkadaşa yardım edin değil mi?

Dipnot: Skriptin yapımcısı ben değilim. Tanımadığım biri yapmış, tanıdığım biri de düzenlemiş.

" Gelelim bunu nasıl kullanacaksın, değil mi? "

Öncelikle kit ayarlama tabelalarının olacağı bir bölge hazırla. Aynı warp hazırlarmış gibi. Daha sonra oraya şunu yaz: " /starterkitbolge ayarla "

Sonra orada 3 tabela yerleştir.

Kit Ayarlamak İçin Tabela Şu Şekilde Olacak: Tabelanın ilk satırına KİT yaz daha sonra 3. satırına &8[&eAyarla&8] yaz.

Her tabelada ilk satıra KİT yaz daha sonra kit sıfırlamak için 3. satıra şunu yaz: &8[&eSıfırla&8]

Son olarak yine ilk satıra KİT yaz ve kit almak için 3. satıra şunu yaz: &8[&eAl&8]

Spawna geri dönmek için 3. satıra &4&lSpawna, 4. satırına ise &c&lGeri Don bunu yaz.

Mesajlarda ki ön eki değiştirmek için options kısmında ki prefix kısmında ki KITSAVE yazısını istediğin gibi değiştir.

    prefix: &b&oKITSAVE &8&l→
    noperm: &cUzgunum, Yetkiniz yok!
# Kit Ayarlama Yeri Ayarlari Ayarlamalari Yukaridan ve Bu Kisimdan Yapabilirsin Diger Yerlere Bilgin Yoksa Dokunmani Onermem.
    jointogive: false
    deathtogive: false
    sword.slot: 0
    fns.slot: 1
    fishingrod.slot: 2
    bow.slot: 3
    helmet.mat: chain
    chestplate.mat: iron
    leggings.mat: iron
    boots.mat: iron
    sword.mat: iron &7Murderer Weapon
    sword.lorename: &6You may kill someone with IsmetRG's Block-hit power! &cBu&6rn&eer
    fns.lorename: &6Please don't burn yourself &9Enemy Pusher
    fishingrod.lorename: &6Try to push yourself &4AWP | Dragon Lore
    bow.lorename: &6360 no scope
    arrow.number: 15 16
    arrow.slot: 8 &2Green Arrow
    arrow.lorename: &6Hacker destroyer

on rightclick on sign:
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&8[&eAyarla&8]":
        make player execute command "/starterkit save"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&8[&eSıfırla&8]":
        make player execute command "/starterkit unsave"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&8[&eAl&8]":
        execute console command "/strtdsjfsdfs %player%"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&eKit Ayarlama":
        line 4 of the clicked block is "&eYerine Git":
            make player execute command "/starterkit saveplace"
    line 3 of the clicked block is "&4&lSpawna":
        line 4 of the clicked block is "&c&lGeri Don":
            send "{@prefix} &aSpawna Geri Dondun!"
            set {save.available.%player%} to false
            clear player's inventory
            make player execute command "/spawn"

command /starterkit [<text>] [<player>]:
        if arg 1 is not "load" or "save" or "unsave" or "unsaveall" or "saveplace":
            send "{@prefix} &cYou did something wrong&8."
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "{@prefix} &6Starterkit Commands"
            if player has the permission "starterkit.give":
                send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit load &8(&7<player>&8)"
                send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit unsaveall"
            send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit save"
            send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit unsave"
            send "{@prefix} &7/starterkit saveplace"
        if arg 1 is "load":
            if player has the permission "starterkit.give":
                if arg 2 is not set:
                    if {kitinv.saved.%player%} is not set:
                        clear the player's inventory
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        set slot {@sword.slot} of player to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fns.slot} of player to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of player to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
                        set slot {@bow.slot} of player to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
                        set slot {@arrow.slot} of player to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
                        equip player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip player with {@boots.mat} boots
                    else if {kitinv.saved.%player%} is set:
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        clear the player's inventory
                        equip player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip player with {@boots.mat} boots
                        set {_slot} to 0
                        loop 36 times:
                            set slot {_slot} of player to {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%player%}
                            add 1 to {_slot}
                        set slot 0 of player to {kitinv.slotzero.%player%}
                if arg 2 is set:
                    if {kitinv.saved.%arg 2%} is not set:
                        clear the arg 2's inventory
                        message "{@prefix} &2%arg 2%'s starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 2
                        set slot {@sword.slot} of arg 2 to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fns.slot} of arg 2 to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
                        set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of arg 2 to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
                        set slot {@bow.slot} of arg 2 to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
                        set slot {@arrow.slot} of arg 2 to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
                        equip arg 2 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip arg 2 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip arg 2 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip arg 2 with {@boots.mat} boots
                    else if {kitinv.saved.%arg 2%} is true:
                        message "{@prefix} &2%arg 2%'s starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
                        message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 2
                        clear the arg 2's inventory
                        equip arg 2 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                        equip arg 2 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                        equip arg 2 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                        equip arg 2 with {@boots.mat} boots
                        set {_slot} to 0
                        loop 36 times:
                            set slot {_slot} of arg 2 to {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%arg 2%}
                            add 1 to {_slot}
                        set slot 0 of arg 2 to {kitinv.slotzero.%arg 2%}
                send "{@prefix} {@noperm}"
        if arg 1 is "saveplace":
            teleport player to {warp.saveplace}
            send "{@prefix} &2You are teleported to starterkit saveplace!"
            set {save.available.%player%} to true
            clear the player's inventory
        if arg 1 is "save":
            if arg 2 is not set:
                if {save.available.%player%} is true:
                    if player has 1 {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}":
                        if player has 1 flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}":
                            if player has 1 bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}":
                                if player has {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}":
                                    set {_kitinvslot} to 0
                                    loop 36 times:
                                        set {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%player%} to slot {_slot} of player
                                        add 1 to {_slot}
                                    set {kitinv.saved.%player%} to true
                                    set {kitinv.slotzero.%player%} to slot 0 of player
                                    wait 5 ticks
                                    send "{@prefix} &cLoading..."
                                    wait 10 ticks
                                    send "{@prefix} &eKitini Basariyla Kaydettin!"
                                    send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                                send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                            send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                        send "{@prefix} &cEnvanterinde fazladan veya baska bir esya var!"
                    send "{@prefix} &cKit Ayarlamak Icin Kit Ayarla Bolgesine Gitmelisin!"
        if arg 1 is "unsave":
            delete {kitinv.saved.%player%}
            wait 5 ticks
            send "{@prefix} &cLoading..."
            wait 10 ticks
            clear the player's inventory
            set slot {@sword.slot} of player to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
            set slot {@fns.slot} of player to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
            set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of player to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
            set slot {@bow.slot} of player to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
            set slot {@arrow.slot} of player to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
            equip player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
            equip player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
            equip player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
            equip player with {@boots.mat} boots
            send "{@prefix} &eYou've successfully unsaved your inventory!"
        if arg 1 is "unsaveall":
            if player has the permission "strtrkt.give":
                loop all players:
                    delete {kitinv.saved.%loop-player%}
                wait 5 ticks
                send "{@prefix} &cLoading..."
                wait 10 ticks
                loop all players:
                    clear the loop-player's inventory
                    set slot {@sword.slot} of loop-player to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
                    set slot {@fns.slot} of loop-player to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
                    set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of loop-player to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
                    set slot {@bow.slot} of loop-player to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
                    set slot {@arrow.slot} of loop-player to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
                    equip loop-player with {@helmet.mat} helmet
                    equip loop-player with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
                    equip loop-player with {@leggings.mat} leggings
                    equip loop-player with {@boots.mat} boots
                send "{@prefix} &eYou've successfully unsaved your inventory!"
                send "{@prefix} {@noperm}"

command /strtdsjfsdfs [<player>]:
    permission: console.anan
    executable by: console
        if {kitinv.saved.%arg 1%} is not set:
            clear the arg 1's inventory
            message "{@prefix} &2%arg 1%'s starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to player
            message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 1
            set slot {@sword.slot} of arg 1 to {@sword.mat} sword named "{}" with lore "{@sword.lorename}"
            set slot {@fns.slot} of arg 1 to flint and steel named "{}" with lore "{@fns.lorename}"
            set slot {@fishingrod.slot} of arg 1 to fishing rod named "{}" with lore "{@fishingrod.lorename}"
            set slot {@bow.slot} of arg 1 to bow named "{}" with lore "{@bow.lorename}"
            set slot {@arrow.slot} of arg 1 to {@arrow.number} arrow named "{}" with lore "{@arrow.lorename}"
            equip arg 1 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
            equip arg 1 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
            equip arg 1 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
            equip arg 1 with {@boots.mat} boots
        else if {kitinv.saved.%arg 1%} is true:
            message "{@prefix} &2Your starter kit succesfully loaded&8." to arg 1
            clear the arg 1's inventory
            equip arg 1 with {@helmet.mat} helmet
            equip arg 1 with {@chestplate.mat} chestplate
            equip arg 1 with {@leggings.mat} leggings
            equip arg 1 with {@boots.mat} boots
            set {_slot} to 0
            loop 36 times:
                set slot {_slot} of arg 1 to {kitinv.%{_slot}%.%arg 1%}
                add 1 to {_slot}
            set slot 0 of arg 1 to {kitinv.slotzero.%arg 1%}

command /starterkitbolge [<text>]:
    permission: starterkit.admin
    permission message: &cUzgunum, Yetkiniz yok!
        if arg 1 is not set:
            send "Komut Kullanimi: /starterkitbolge"
        if arg 1 is "ayarla":
            if player have the permission "starterkit.admin":
                set {warp.saveplace} to location of player
                send "{@prefix} &aBasariyla alani sectin!"

Yapan çıkmış, paylaştım. İşinize gördüyse ne mutlu bana. Tekrar belirtiyorum yapımcısı ben değilim.

Ne güzel ki ücretsiz yapmışlar :)

Tam arkadaşın istediği değil sanki. Daha basit olabilir di.

Bunları görünce de güldüm biraz ;

command /strtdsjfsdfs [<player>]:
permission: console.anan
executable by: console

Komut bulunamasın diye saçmalamaya gerek yok, Sonuçta işlem aynı, executable by: console yazdıktan sonra permission vermeye gerek yok.


En iyi cevaplar
Tam arkadaşın istediği değil sanki. Daha basit olabilir di.

Bunları görünce de güldüm biraz ;

Komut bulunamasın diye saçmalamaya gerek yok, Sonuçta işlem aynı, executable by: console yazdıktan sonra permission vermeye gerek yok.
Bunları bana anlatman mantıksız. Niye mi? Çünkü yapımcısı ben değilim, yapımcıya söylemen lazım onu ki dahası yapımcı yabancı biri. Ancak tabii dediklerini göz önünde bulundurarak geliştirilebilir, ve kısaltılabilir...


Nether Yerlisi
En iyi cevaplar
Ruh hali
Bunları bana anlatman mantıksız. Niye mi? Çünkü yapımcısı ben değilim, yapımcıya söylemen lazım onu ki dahası yapımcı yabancı biri. Ancak tabii dediklerini göz önünde bulundurarak geliştirilebilir, ve kısaltılabilir...

Skripti incelemeden mi paylaştın ?
Yabancı derken ? baya anan baban yazmış.


En iyi cevaplar
Skripti incelemeden mi paylaştın ?
Yabancı derken ? baya anan baban yazmış.
Skripti inceledim ancak kendi sunucumda kullandığım zamanlar ki gibi atmadım. Direk arkadaşın düzenlediği gibi attım. Yabancı derken Amerikan gibi kast ediyordum. En azından arkadaşın söylediğine göre öyle.
